Stanford University
Dept. of Statistics
Sequoia Hall
390 Serra Mall
Stanford, CA
Tel: (650)-723-9230
Fax: (650)-725-8977
Research interests
Gaussian processes
- Gaussian processes
- Smooth stochastic processes
- Differential geometric methods in statistics
- Integral geometry / geometric probability
Multiple comparisons
- Control of Family Wise Error Rate for dependent statistics
- False Discovery Rate for dependent statistics
- Modelling and analysis of functional and anatomical neuroimaging data
- Inferential questions in neuroimaging
HIV protein sequence analysis
- Patterns of mutation in protease and reverse transcriptase amino acid sequences
- Rates of observed reinfection / superinfection
- Effect of treatment on viral susceptibility and clinical outcome
Comments on the Venezuelan recall referendum
- Here are some comments on the counts in the Venezuelan recall
referendum, as well as a correction to some figures that I provided
which were quoted in a recent article in The Economist by Dr. Jennifer McCoy, Georgia State.